Hattian Bala Landslide Dam

LCI : PAK169151000
Main Information
Landslide Name : Hattian Bala Landslide Dam
Latitude : 34:8:34 N
Longitude : 73:43:8 E
City / District : Hattian Bala
Province : Azad Jammu Kashmir
Country : Pakistan
Reporter 1 : Pham Tien
Reporter 2 : Kazuo Konagai
Landslide Type
Material : Debris
Movement : Slide
Velocity (mm/sec) : -
Depth (m) : -
Slope (degree) : -
Volume (m³) : Very Large
Date of Occurence
Date of Occurence : Oct 08, 2005
Other Information
Land Use Source area : Forest
Run-out/deposition area : River
Other Activity : -
Triggering Factor : Others
Death(s) & Missing : -
Houses and other structural damage : -
Photo of landslide :
Google earth kmz file : Hattian Bala Landslide Dam by the Google Earth.jpg
Plan of landslide :
Cross section of landslide :
Reference (paper/report) : http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10346-011-0280-x/fulltext.html
Testing graph : Calculated results of maximum flow depth and maximum flow velocities by Kazuo Konagai et al. (2011).JPG
Monitoring graph : -
Video of moving landslides including 3D simulation : -
Description :

On October 8, 2005, a huge landslide triggered by Kashmir earthquake (M 7.6) at Hattian Bala Town in the state of Azad Jammu Kashmir of Pakistan. The Hattian Bala landslide dam had a maximum depth estimated up to 500 m. The debris mass of 65 million m3 blocked two tributaries of the Karli branch of the Jhelum River and formed Karli Lake and Tang Lake. The disaster posed secondary hazards to the people living downstream of both the Karli and the Jhelum Rivers, such as the potential risk of flooding, landslide dam breaching, slope deformations/erosions. After the event, structural countermeasures were carried out to strengthen the dam. However, after a period of about four years and four months, Karli Lake breached the northwestern part of the dam on 9th February 2010 due to a continuous 5-day rainfall. Later on, Tang Lake also breached the northeastern lobe of the dam due to monsoon rains during the period from July to August of 2010. Post-formation behaviors of the landslide and breaching-inflicted changes were analysed by Konagai et al. (2011). Source: Kazuo Konagai, Ahsan Sattar (2011) “Partial breaching of Hattian Bala Landslide Dam formed in the 8th October 2005 Kashmir Earthquake, Pakistan”, Landslides Vol.9 (1), 11 pages.